Thursday, February 19, 2009


So I had an idea:
If TI is really serious about his community service, as advertised on MTV, why doesn't he pull a captain-save-em and swoop in to create Whore Job Corps?

He could scoop up all them chicks from the I heart whomever or whatever shows and get them a mentor, some career training, and therapy...a lot of it.

Maybe he could set up a partnership with a nursing home, so them broads could have an old dude in their lives that they can't trick on, can't bone them and who has knowledge and wisdom to drop on their silly asses. Not to mention do all those Daddy-esque things like tell them they are precious and valuable and too good to spread their snatch on a reality tv show for shortlived love.

(Other than the Bachelor, does anyone have a happily ever after off of these shits?)

Have you watched the trainwreck that is "For the love of Ray J?" When the fuck did he go platinum, as he advertised in his opening credits? And when was he an actor? Dude, appearing on Moesha does NOT make you an actor.

DEAR READER: I am a reality tv junkie. Mostly 'cause I need brain big macs now and then. But mostly its 'cause I want to have a front row seat at the decline of society so that the philanthropist in me can try my hardest to fix it before it completely dies.

So umm.... Yeah. Ray J's show is particularly disturbing because he's really a regular dude, but doesn't realize it. Like he really thinks he a celebrity. Dude, the only reason anyone was checking for you is 'cause no one believed you'd really fucked Kim Kardashian.

"Hey wait a minute...ain't that Brandy's lil' brother?"

[That song was your only banger and it was the beat and Lil'Kim (before she ruined her face) that made it hot. Not you. Honestly, the track couldv'e been any other washed up R&B dude.Montell Jordan, I'm talking to you.]

I hope Reggie Bush has better luck after tapping Kardashian. If the Saints ever let him back on the field.

But this isn't about him. It's about these damn girls.

Do the producers recruit from orphanages and halfway houses, dragging barely legal chicks from the weave shops, bars, and bail bondsmen's offices to live the short-lived good life?

Think of all the good that could come to our society if someone, (Oprah I hope your fat ass is listening-that school in Africa didn't really work out as planned hunh?) reached out to help these broken dolls...and not on some Charm School or G's to Gents bullshit either.

(Not for nothin' but don't them dudes need fathers too?)

Think about it. Damn unicef. Damn all these celebs going overseas to adopt lil colored babies.


You know Angelina could use a few extra hands helping her take care of the babies. Wouldn't Leilene from Flavor of Love, Charm School, and I Love Money be perfect? She's got kids of her own too so Brangelina would actually be getting 4 brown bodies for the price of sponsoring one whore.

Let's find out who the next Octopussy...oops Octomom, is going to be and give her one of these reality show castoffs to take care of, love and cherish before she pays to get fetilized with more babies. Sponsoring one of these tragedies of American society is waaaaay cheaper than in vitro, and with none of the yucky side effects of pregnancy like afterbirth and stretch marks.

Or we could loan one to Salma Hayek since she wants to nurse lil' African babies while on ambassador missions. She could look really benevolent as she traipses through Anyghetto USA with her brand new Rock of Love girl learning of the hardships of growing up in a trailer. The ratings would be through the roof if she started to breastfeed her new adult daughter.

Being a catalyst of change starts in your own backyard. What are you doing to help with the castaway reality chicks?

Let's all man up and give a damn. Show how much you care.

Have you hugged a fatherless fucker today?

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