Tuesday, February 17, 2009

why does simple shit always have to be so fucking complicated?

i got a question blognistas:  why can't life be easier?
for real?

like why is it it seems that the whole world is out to lay booby traps at any given turn?  wouldn't the world be a better place on the whole if everyone would calm the fuck down and take it easy?

no one would need meds.....no one would bug out and start shooting up schools....no one would fly off the handle and hurt themselves.....

i wonder what the crime rates are in places where siestas are still mandatory...

i wonder if we had naptime in the workplace, or sliding employment hours, or merit pay everywhere how that would affect our society.

isn't there a recession going on? so why the fuck am i seeing pics of celebs partying at all star weekend soirees with magnums of champagne?  

can't we all live? 

honestly,  has beyonce really worked that hard that she should make more money than a nurse who pulls graveyard shifts?

who can even afford to get lit up and have bottle service every night anymore. and not for nothing, even if you can afford it, aren't they STILL rebuilding new orleans? wouldn't that be a better use of your $$$ and a better look for your karma than getting twisted and ending up banging some groupie who'll slap you with a paternity suit like its nothing? (sorry ray j)

i know this has nothing to do with life in the city, but like i said, i'm on vacay trying to take it easy so i got LOTS of time to pontificate on the perils of our society. in a way, doesn't it have something to do with life in NYC?  a place where the juxtaposition of extremes is so extremes that even the stickup kids don't know what to do with themselves....(yeah i used juxtaposition and stickup kid in the same sentence...haahah)

i guess this rambling spurs from me trying to buy a basic necessity yesterday and being overwhelmed by the options.  yeah, its nice to live in a country where i can walk into a store and choose from several different things, but it also kinda sucks cause i know that somewhere else in this country someone else doesn't have those same choices.

i'm a have.  always have been and hopefully always will be but i've never been a have who looked down my nose at the have nots, ('cept for that bitch who wouldn't seat us for sunday brunch.) do i really need a 4 course prix fixe meal that i inevitably won't eat all of when there's a fam down the street who could buy groceries for a week with my tab?

as i grow older and pay more attention to what is happening in the world around me, i can't help but to think, yeah it's not right and yeah it's not fair, but shouldn't it start to be?  

we were all singing that new negro spiritual about change when we were trying to get B.O (i hate the fact that his initials connote something so nasty) in  office. but change is more than getting those crackers out of their seat of power.  change has to start with everyone.  

every day is an opportunity to find joy in what you live and to spread it, to live each moment to the fullest so that should the creator come and snatch away your breath, you got no regrets.

or say fuck it and watch the world crumble down around your feet.  be the last muthafucka standing with a pocketful of cash and nowhere to spend it.   

i can be a nasty and evil so and so, but i know which existence i'd rather live.

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