Monday, March 16, 2009


so, I have been avoiding addressing this for quite some time because when I first saw it, it pissed me off and upset me so much I didn't quite know what to do with myself.

when I was on vacay, moms and I pulled up next to a bus that had one of the most obnoxious ads I've ever seen. in my own defense, ordinarily, I have a real sick sense of humor and will laugh at some of the strangest things.  I try not to laugh at the sick, wounded, or physically broken, except for fat fuckers, but I am that bitch that'll laugh when a kid busts his ass, or when someone trips on the bus.  

ordinarily, the tongue in cheek, the ignorant and the stupid is amusing to me.  like the Western Union ad beloved and I saw yesterday. it had one of the blackest mo'fo's you've ever seen in your life looking like everyone's stereotypical African sambo with the words "can I send money to Africa for cheap....YES!" scrawled across the  picture. if i'd really felt like jumping up on my NAACP soapbox and protesting this shit, ('cause my president is black you know?) I prolly could've....but I just don't really care that much anymore about racial ignorance and cruelty.

the ad I saw with moms, really fucked with me.  it read:

Some of the NICEST people die of lung cancer.  We hope you won't be one of them.

there was no picture. no fancy layout. just a bullshit few lines of text that really irked the fuck out of me. I found myself wishing that whoever the dickhead was who made this ignorance up was struck with every kind of cancer imaginable.

I know it is a bad thing to wish cancer on someone.  I've lost a few family members to cancer so for me, for someone to be so flippant about it is really stupid and insensitive.  One of my grandmothers, who never smoked a day in her life, wasn't exposed to toxic chemicals or any of the other shit they say can cause lung cancer and who went to the dr.'s office once a month at least, died of lung cancer that no one found until it was too late and she was the nicest old lady anyone could've met.

fuck and fuck Keiser Permanente

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I had an epiphany on the train today.  I realized why so many couples are miserable and unhappy with their relationship. 

Technology, that cold hearted bitch, pulled an arrow from his quiver and sliced Cupid's throat open.  

Romance is on life support and I blame electricity. 

There are far too fucking many ways to be in constant contact with the rest of the world.  Cell phone, house phone, email, text message, instant message, blackberry instant message, pagers, two way radios, facebook, myspace, twitter, blogs, skywriting.....

Everyone of these intended to keep people in constant contact and giving updates to everyone about everything that happens in your day. But what really happens is each one of these media of the heartless equates to one more way for someone to feel neglected or forgotten.   

With all these avenues of communication, it is hard to believe that someone may ever actually be in a drop zone or legitimately be busy and unable to answer the infinite ways you are cyber stalking them.

It is impossible to feel romantic or spontaneous or eager to be near someone when you know their every move throughout the course of the day.

"Bobby Lynn is eating a bagel and not caring about carbs."

Who gives a fuck?!

The people on those dumb ass networking sites are not your friends. 

They don't honestly give a fuck about your stupid ass 'cause if they did, they would meet with you in person and share a face to face conversation with you over coffee or a meal instead of instant messaging you random observations from their daily activities. 

Does anyone remember when it was a big deal to call your parents at work?  I used to have to be bleeding from the head to interrupt my father at work.  He would get soooooo tight with me if I called him at work.  

I don't think my grandmother ever called my grandfather at work unless it was a complete and dire emergency, of the burning-house-aliens-landing-and-snatching-our-children variety.  

That form of distance probably sounds bizarre in this day and age, but when he got home from work, they did something most of us NEVER do....

They would kiss and hug and share dinner with their children with the TV off. They would act like a family. Laughing and talking and sharing conversation with each other.

Why don't we have anything really to talk about over our meals? 

Why is it easier to congregate in front of the TV and chew with our mouths open instead of sharing delightful anecdotes about what we've been through?

I don't think it has anything to do with that ridiculous book and movie about ________ just not being into ___________.  I think it has more to do with the fact that we're all far too fucking into each other and in constant contact with one another.  

Doesn't absence make the heart grow fonder?

How can we be absent from one another when we are only ever physically apart but still completely around each other technologically?

I mean, its all good to be able to holla at your homegirls about whatever random foolishness that crosses your mind, and to keep up with your children when they are away from home or traveling without you, but is it absolutely necessary to call your honey as much as you do?

Is it because of distrust, or because you genuinely have that much to share with whomever?
I know a gang of you tried to say it's cause you wanted to let your lover know everything that crosses your mind every time it crosses your mind.  The truth or the matter is you're doing it because you don't trust that when they don't pick up their phone, it's cause they can't so you call again and again and again. 

You call to the point that you become a pest and when they finally answer, the conversation becomes more about "Why the fuck didn't you answer the phone?" instead of whatever it was that you originally wanted to share.  

When did it stop being ok to not want to talk on the phone?  

I mean, just because you can get in constant contact with someone, does that alleviate them from the right not to want to be in constant contact?

What happens when you start updating your facebook status less and less and everyone gets worried about you 'cause it's been 2 days since you last logged in?  

When people start policing how long it has been since you last instant messaged them, claiming to be worries about you instead of calling you to check on you, then you know you have a technology problem.

Everyone needs to get over themselves and stop fucking being so much in each other's space and face. Take a breath and just live life in the moment and in your own skin and not worry so damn much about what everyone around you is doing.

Hang up the phone, close all of your networking sites, and the next time you feel like paging or texting someone you care about, write those thoughts into a  letter, and save it, along with all of your bullshit stories about your day to share over a hot meal with the tv off.

Or you could just buy one of these for his ass and never have to wonder what he's up to:

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

If I only lost my brain...

RADAR, one of my favorite magazines folded, again, and since i had already paid up my subscription, their publisher felt like a good substitute was to send me STAR magazine for the remainder of my subscription.

have ya'll ever read STAR? 

it has become a glossy magazine in recent years, but once upon a time, it was a big oversized color newspaper-like publication with some of those stories about alien babies and watermelons that look like the virgin mary. 

but have y'all read it lately.  when it comes in, i feel like i should hide it because just reading it makes my vocabulary suddenly feel stunted. like, for real....looking at the pages of that magazine, 'cause you can't really read something that has everything in title font, makes me feel like I should be riding on the short bus. 

in spite of this, it seems like the photos splashed across the pages are all anyone can seem to talk about.  I found myself today trying to discuss Obama's stance on educational reform, and someone felt like it was more interesting to chat about the surprise season finale of the bachelor where Jason proposed to one girl but really loves the other girl.... "and OMG, we were gonna find out on the top secret reunion special, but they totally leaked the info before hand..." 

I realized then that I was too smart for much of the world.  Soooooo, I have decided to actively lobotomize myself through reality tv and tabloid magazines.

I need to expand my reality tv horizons!

Donna Summer's #1 Fan told me that on the season opener of Keeping Up w/the Kardashians, Kim was taking pictures of herself en route to taking her sister, Khloe, to jail. 

(insert confused Scooby Doo sound here)

see...I had no idea it was going down like that on E! i miss out on all the good shit.  thank g-d for my dvr.  i will never miss another glorious moment of the Jenner-Kardashian clan's tomfoolery.

back to STAR magazine.....

why is everyone still so concerned about lindsay lohan?  what's the big effin' deal about her 

anyway?  honestly, who cares? 

so what she's back on drugs and drinking again... apparently, she's been photographed with traces of a white substance lining the rim of her nostrils and she tried to say it was lint.  shorty, just be real and admit what you're up to....or at the very least come up with a better cover story.  
boogers, maybe? everybody's had one of those lone boogers that has dangled embarrassingly and drawn the attention of someone you really didn't want to see it.  

don't front for me, you know it's happened to you.

who gives a shit that she's gay for play and letting saMAN..that...ronson slobber on her pink taco?

why does any of this matter in the face of all that is going wrong in our society?

why is everyone acting surprised that LiLo is out of control again?

what else could she do to stay relevant? star in another movie that she slows up the production on before it tanks? get bent in a club with her mom? 

(I swear I'd make a killing if I created the Gypsy Rose School of Momagers: How to Stagemom With Style, Finesse, Class, and an Iron Fist. Some of the bitches really forget that to be a Momager, you have to first be a Mom, and not your lil'shawty's bff....)

shouldn't she be in vh1's charm school or some shit?

whatever happened to that reality show that The Donald was supposed to be putting together with LaLohan, Amy Crackhouse and pre-comeback-Britney?  Can we put forth a motion for Lily Allen to take her place? ooooh no....Kate Motherfucking Moss!

I'd love to watch them go at it over who gets the last 8ball or figure out who's turn it is to take out all the liquor bottles in the trash. Chile, the trashy ass bar scum they'd bring home after banging in the alley would so be like outtakes of the HBO biopic GIA (Loved Angelina in that before she became the white incarnation of Josephine Baker.)

PS Samantha Ronson is not fucking hot.  

In fact, she is the complete antithesis of hot.  She is sooo unhot, I wouldn't let her eat me with YOUR pussy, a tongue vibrator while stoned and drunk out of my skull and if her saliva had the antibodies I needed to live forever and cure AIDS and cancer.

we're supposed to take solace in the fact that this lesbo's coat rack of a "lover" (wink wink) is not wasting her$$$ on drugs, but rather that people are gifting her the cocaine. 'cause that's what real friends do.  

friends don't let friends pay for drugs.  

who the fuck can afford to sponsor someone else's habit in this fucked up ass economy we're living in? can they hook a sister up? 
I do not toot that powder...I'm always trying to get my side hustle on.  I'd take all that free coke and flip that shit so quick, you'd swear I was a gymnast!

Donna Summer's #1 Fan claims that a)"that mess is pricey" and times are too hard for anyone to buy coke so I wouldn't make much from it and b) that's why people smoke crack.

to that I say: I've got baking powder, what's good?

Sunday, March 1, 2009


because Donna Summer's #1 fan tells me that i should be kinder to the Plus sized Patties i feel the need to share with you something i just recently learned about the obese:

overeating is reaching for one's mother, or looking to be mothered and nurtured
undereating is reaching for one's father, or looking to push mother away

it is not always about being gluttonous just for the sake of salivating over one more slice of pie, sometimes, there are some deeper issues at hand that force the unhappy to soothe however possible.

there. i offered something positive about the undisciplined slobs that surround me in the workplace, in society, everywhere.  that does not negate the fact that the two barrels who were on the treadmills in front of me at the gym this morning as i tried to get my sweat on should not have been going much faster than they were...i'm saying....your ass is not going to work itself out.  i'm sorry you've got mommy issues, but if you're gonna get the super sack at white castle to make yourself feel better, really work on that by really WORKING on that with som super sit ups too.

RuPaul is more of a lady than you.

i have a question for you, my darlings.....

why has no one shared with me the fagtastic mess that is RuPaul's Drag Race?

someone is going to yank my hag card for being so late on the take with this one.

i watch it on logo.  

i watch the repeats on vh 1.  

i tivo the episodes to steal new homoslang to drop on those around me. 

i watch the behind the scenes stuff on the logo website.

honey........I want an excuse to lip sync for my life and tell someone "shante, you stay," and to tell someone else "sashay, away..."

i am soooo glad to live in an era of history in which a big, bold, Drag Queen like RuPaul can hold a contest on television for whomever will take over as the next big bold man in a dress.

these divas are FIERCE!!!!!! truly, truly FIERCE....i want them all to be my aunties.

the skanks of top model have NOTHING on these dragons.  

while Ru honestly is trying to shape these shemales into being the most polished cross dressing performer and gives them true pointers and lessons to become better, ty baby's show serves only as a platform to keep what she used to do in the 90's relevant.....and she's soooo not.

maybe it's 'cause Lady Ru looks better in couture than the former model.   his body is GORGEOUS!!! i can't get over how fly he is in his gowns and in his ultra slim european suits.  I LIVE!!!

i deeply appreciate that he discovered that you can use that cybil shepard-moonlighting soft focus on regular tv which helps him....excuse me, her look so much more flawless than tyty does with all her baby hair and lace fronts. i wonder if they sell that soft focus the same place where Mariah Carey buys her traveling photoshop kit. hmmmmmm......

let's play a drinking game the next time top model is on.  every time that hefty hottie corrects the girls aspiring to her level of greatness by demonstrating how to smile with her eyes or the level at which to tilt one's chin to look sexy and not like a hoochie, you must imbibe.  

Ru can take 10 years off from performing and still come back and have my rapt attention. Tyra's chunky chest can be all over the tabloids for months proclaiming how content she is with her curves and i could care less.  she's got those turkey wing auntie arms people!!! 

perhaps i hold her in such disdain because it seems as though all of her programs are intended only to tout her own abilities while she pretends to create careers for the young ladies she exploits for network gain. Ru takes a marginalized group and empowers them through his tutelage and sass. the newfound popularity with another generation is a byproduct of the greater good he is creating.

skinny bitches have never been a marginalized group, except when at bar-b-ques and eating contests.

if Ms. Banks really wanted to make a difference in this world, beyond the ever important task of interviewing the "cast" of the 3rd season of the bad girls' club, she could begin to design her own line of clothing for women with real curves.  not fat bitches like the one in my last post, just women whose sizes range beyond that which can be counted on one hand.

maybe she doesn't want to run into her bff Kimora's lane, but honestly, is anyone really checking for baby phat in 2009?  i read in the paper that she was scaling back her fashion week show and inviting only buyers as opposed to all of her friends and celebs that usually come to the show. according to the article, ms. lee simmons decided that her show was not going to be the extravaganza that is has been in the past due to the economic crisis our country is facing...

really?  the baby phat show is an extravaganza? someone REALLY needs to get out more.

she should embrace the body she's been fighting for so long and help others to do the same. THAT would be an act worthy me ceasing to compare her legs to Beyonce's fat knees.

or,  she could just date Ray kept Whitney interesting for a while.